Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Advisor for the spiritual teaching

After 10 October 1911 Disarm, the organization do not had any Military Organization for White Sun and White Moon Division Commander, Brigade Commander, Battalion Commander, Camp Commander, Platoon Commander and Squad Commander. 

The Squad consist Squad Commander, Right Deputy Squad Commander, Left Deputy Squad Commander, Discipline Advisor, Five Fighter Leaders, fighter members and non fighter members.   

They are put more weight on spiritual teaching base on Confucianism and the commonwealth state (大同).

1)      Why Lord Jesus Christ pray alone?  

There is a secret place that we can communicate by Holy Sprit and Father in Heaven.

2)      Why Prophet Muhammad say point one direction to Kaaba?

There is a secret place that we can communicate by Kaaba Holy Angel and Allah.

3)      After Gautama Buddha Nirvana, the Meditation Buddha will take over with new teaching.

There is a secret place that we can meditation by Buddha Nature and finally Nirvana.

Today we do not need to be a street fighter but we can register as Mosque, Church, Temple or Club with President, Deputy President, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Member. We can invite them as advisor to give the spiritual teaching base on Confucianism and the secret that we do not know.


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